Technologhy Developments
Mision : To make technology development possible with encoraging R&D
Technology is ever changing, every year we witness a new technology taking over the market. Presently in India , Technical , Vocational Education and Training sector has not evolved as Modern Industry Standards. We believe that India being a country of millions serves as a huge market platform for these advancements. We at Madhuvan assist every new technology developer to bring their technology into market. We help you with finding the right investors and market place to promote the technology. We also help new and upcoming technology enthusiasts to develop and source their technology on commercial platform.
Our objective is to:
- To develop and integrate technologies following a holistic approach in different areas.
- Promote application of Modern and advanced technologies for socio- economic problem.
- Encourage development in R&D activities.
- Industry linkage with academic institution.
- To develop and integrate technologies following a holistic approach in different areas.
- Promote application of Modern and advanced technologies for socio- economic problem.