
Equities have the potential to increase in value over time and can provide your portfolio with the growth necessary to reach your long-term investment goals. Equities are known to have outperformed all other forms of investments in the long-term.
Madhuvan Securities Pvt. Ltd. is a member of National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) since 1995 and since then providing retail equity broking for its investors. It is member of both Cash and F&O segments of NSE.
Labdhi Shares and Stock Holding Private Limited( Labdhi), a group Company is a Sub-broker of the ACML for The Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE).
Madhuvan Securities Pvt. Ltd. (MSPL) and Labdhi Shares and Stocks Holding Pvt. Ltd. (LSPL) are proficient dealers in equity markets with more than 12 years of experience having strong equity market knowledge.